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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A 1998 Vol.-1 No.-1 P.


Investigation of the mechanical properties of segmental joints strengthened by assembled reinforcement structures for shield tunnel linings

Author(s):  Zhiguo YAN, Sihang AI, Xia YANG, Long ZHOU, Bing FAN, Huan PANG

Affiliation(s):  State Key Laboratory of Disaster Reduction in Civil Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China; more

Corresponding email(s):   zhoulonglmn@126.com

Key Words:  Shield tunnel, Segmental joint, Assembled reinforcement structure, Mechanical properties

Zhiguo YAN, Sihang AI, Xia YANG, Long ZHOU, Bing FAN, Huan PANG. Investigation of the mechanical properties of segmental joints strengthened by assembled reinforcement structures for shield tunnel linings[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science A, 1998, -1(-1): .

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%T Investigation of the mechanical properties of segmental joints strengthened by assembled reinforcement structures for shield tunnel linings
%A Zhiguo YAN
%A Sihang AI
%A Long ZHOU
%A Bing FAN
%A Huan PANG
%J Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A
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%D 1998
%I Zhejiang University Press & Springer
%DOI 10.1631/jzus.A2300455

T1 - Investigation of the mechanical properties of segmental joints strengthened by assembled reinforcement structures for shield tunnel linings
A1 - Zhiguo YAN
A1 - Sihang AI
A1 - Xia YANG
A1 - Long ZHOU
A1 - Bing FAN
A1 - Huan PANG
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We develop assembled reinforcement structures (ARSs) composed of connection parts, connecting rods, and straight bolts to strengthen segmental joints in the lining of shield tunnels. Through full-scale bending experiments and numerical simulations, we investigate the deformation and failure characteristics of segmental joints strengthened by ARSs, and propose a novel optimization method for ARSs. The experimental results show that the ARSs can effectively limit the opening of a segmental joint, but also that separation can occur during loading if the connection between the ARSs and segments is not designed properly. Importantly, this connection can be improved by embedding anchor parts in the concrete. In numerical modeling, we investigate the failure modes of segmental joints strengthened by ARSs for both positive bending and negative bending loading cases. In the case of positive bending loading, first the concrete around the anchor parts cracks, and subsequently the concrete on the external side of the joint is crushed. The joint failure is caused by the crushing of concrete on the external side of the joint. While the un-strengthened segmental joint fails with an opening of 5.884 mm, the strengthened segmental joint only opens by 0.288 mm under the same loading, corresponding to a reduction of 95.1%. In the case of negative bending loading, the concrete around the anchor parts first cracks, and then the amount of joint opening exceeds a limiting value for waterproofing (6 mm), i.e. the joint’s failure is caused by water leakage. While the opening of the un-strengthened segmental joint is 9.033 mm and experiences waterproofing failure, the opening of the strengthened segmental joint is only 2.793 mm under the same loading, corresponding to a reduction of 69.1%. When constructing a new shield tunnel, anchor parts could be embedded in the concrete segments in tandem with ARSs for improved resistance to joint opening. For existing shield tunnel linings, anchor parts cannot be embedded in the concrete segments; therefore, the connections between the ARSs and concrete need to be optimized to strengthen the segmental joint.

Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article

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