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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE B 2010 Vol.11 No.2 P.144-150


Quantitative profiles of the mRNAs of ER-α and its novel variant ER-α36 in breast cancers and matched normal tissues

Author(s):  Yi ZHENG, Jing ZHANG, Zhen-zhen XU, Jian-ming SHENG, Xiao-chen ZHANG, Hao-hao WANG, Xiao-dong TENG, Xiao-jiao LIU, Jiang CAO, Li-song TENG

Affiliation(s):  Cancer Center, the First Affiliated Hospital, School of Medicine, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310003, China; more

Corresponding email(s):   caoj@zju.edu.cn, lsteng@zju.edu.cn

Key Words:  Breast cancer, Estrogen receptor, Estrogen receptor-&alpha, 36 (ER-&alpha, 36), ER-&alpha, 66

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Yi ZHENG, Jing ZHANG, Zhen-zhen XU,Jian-ming SHENG, Xiao-chen ZHANG, Hao-hao WANG, Xiao-dong TENG, Xiao-jiao LIU, Jiang CAO, Li-song TENG. Quantitative profiles of the mRNAs of ER-α and its novel variant ER-α36 in breast cancers and matched normal tissues[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science B, 2010, 11(2): 144-150.

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%T Quantitative profiles of the mRNAs of ER-α and its novel variant ER-α36 in breast cancers and matched normal tissues
%A Zhen-zhen XU
%A Jian-ming SHENG
%A Xiao-chen ZHANG
%A Hao-hao WANG
%A Xiao-dong TENG
%A Xiao-jiao LIU
%A Jiang CAO
%A Li-song TENG
%J Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE B
%V 11
%N 2
%P 144-150
%@ 1673-1581
%D 2010
%I Zhejiang University Press & Springer
%DOI 10.1631/jzus.B0900266

T1 - Quantitative profiles of the mRNAs of ER-α and its novel variant ER-α36 in breast cancers and matched normal tissues
A1 - Jing ZHANG
A1 - Zhen-zhen XU
A1 - Jian-ming SHENG
A1 - Xiao-chen ZHANG
A1 - Hao-hao WANG
A1 - Xiao-dong TENG
A1 - Xiao-jiao LIU
A1 - Jiang CAO
A1 - Li-song TENG
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PB - Zhejiang University Press & Springer
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DOI - 10.1631/jzus.B0900266

Objective: The novel estrogen receptor-α (ER-&alpha;) variant ER-&alpha;36 is reported to be functional in the estrogen signaling pathway and is related to tamoxifen resistance in breast cancer. However, ER-&alpha;36 tends to be a favorable factor for survival in patients without tamoxifen therapy. To investigate the mechanisms behind this paradox, we determined the differences between the transcriptional profiles of ER-&alpha;36 and full-length ER-&alpha; (ER-&alpha;66) in breast cancers and matched normal tissues. Methods: We analyzed ER-&alpha;36 and ER-&alpha;66 messenger RNA (mRNA) levels in 74 pairs of breast cancers and matched normal tissues using a real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay, and correlated the results with their clinicopathological characteristics. Results: breast cancers expressed lower ER-&alpha;36 mRNA levels than matched normal tissues regardless of their ER-&alpha;66 expression status. Down-regulation of ER-&alpha;36 mRNA was correlated with local progression, lymph node metastasis, and advanced cancer stage. The level of ER-&alpha;66 mRNA was lower in ER-&alpha; negative breast cancers compared with matched normal tissues. No differences in ER-&alpha;66 mRNA levels were observed during cancer progression. Conclusion: Down-regulation of ER-&alpha;36 is associated with carcinogenesis and progression of breast cancer.

Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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