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Xuehu YAN


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Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering 

Accepted manuscript available online (unedited version)

Public key based bidirectional shadow image authentication without pixel expansion in image secret sharing

Author(s):  Xuehu YAN, Longlong LI, Jia CHEN, Lei SUN

Affiliation(s):  National University of Defense Technology, Hefei 230037, China

Corresponding email(s):  publictiger@126.com

Key Words:  Image secret sharing; Shadow image authentication; Public key; Pixel expansion; Lossless decoding

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Xuehu YAN, Longlong LI, Jia CHEN, Lei SUN. Public key based bidirectional shadow image authentication without pixel expansion in image secret sharing[J]. Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering,in press.https://doi.org/10.1631/FITEE.2200118

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Image secret sharing (ISS) is gaining popularity due to the importance of digital images and its wide application to cloud-based distributed storage and multiparty secure computing. Shadow image authentication generally includes shadow image detection and identification, and plays an important role in ISS. However, traditional dealer-participatory methods, which suffer from significant pixel expansion or storing auxiliary information, authenticate the shadow image mainly during the decoding phase, also known as unidirectional authentication. The authentication of the shadow image in the distributing (encoding) phase is also important for the participant. In this study, we introduce a public key based bidirectional shadow image authentication method in ISS without pixel expansion for a (k,n) threshold. When the dealer distributes each shadow image to a corresponding participant, the participant can authenticate the received shadow image with his/her private key. In the decoding phase, the dealer can authenticate each received shadow image with a secret key; in addition, the dealer can losslessly decode the secret image with any k or more shadow images. The proposed method is validated using theoretical analyses, illustrations, and comparisons.


摘要:图像秘密分享(ISS)的研究越来越多,主要因为数字图像的重要性以及ISS可以广泛应用于云分布式存储和多方安全计算。影子图像认证日渐重要,通常包括影子图像真实性检测和识别。然而,传统处理者参与的方法主要是单向验证,即在解码阶段验证影子图像,存在像素扩张或额外辅助信息等不足。因此,分发(编码)阶段的影子图像认证对参与者来说也很重要。本文引入一种基于公钥的双向影子图像认证方法,实现(k, n)门限且无像素扩张。当处理者将每个影子图像分发给相应参与者时,参与者可以用其私钥验证接收到的影子图像。在解码阶段,处理者可以用其秘钥验证每个接收到的影子图像;此外,当获得任何k个或更多影子图像时,处理者可以无损解码秘密图像。理论分析、实验和比较验证了所提方法有效性。


Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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