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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE B

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Comparison of nitrification inhibitors for mitigating cadmium accumulation in pakchoi and their associated microbial mechanisms

Author(s):  Wenxin DU, Qingyang ZHU, Xiangting JING, Weijie HU, Yao ZHUANG, Yijie JIANG, Chongwei JIN

Affiliation(s):  State Key Laboratory of Plant Environmental Resilience, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China

Corresponding email(s):  21914114@zju.edu.cn, jincw@zju.edu.cn

Key Words:  Cadmium (Cd); Nitrification inhibitor; Soil microbial structure; Safe crop production

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Wenxin DU, Qingyang ZHU, Xiangting JING, Weijie HU, Yao ZHUANG, Yijie JIANG, Chongwei JIN. Comparison of nitrification inhibitors for mitigating cadmium accumulation in pakchoi and their associated microbial mechanisms[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science B,in press.Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering,in press.https://doi.org/10.1631/jzus.B2300449

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The use of nitrification inhibitors has been suggested as a strategy to decrease cadmium (Cd) accumulation in crops. However, the most efficient nitrification inhibitor for mitigating crop Cd accumulation remains to be elucidated, and whether and how changes in soil microbial structure are involved in this process also remains unclear. To address these questions, this study applied three commercial nitrification inhibitors, namely, dicyandiamide (DCD), 3,4-dimethylpyrazole phosphate (DMPP), and nitrapyrin (NP), to pakchoi. The results showed that both DCD and DMPP (but not NP) could efficiently decrease Cd concentrations in pakchoi in urea- and ammonium-fertilized soils. In addition, among the three tested nitrification inhibitors, DMPP was the most efficient in decreasing the Cd concentration in pakchoi. The nitrification inhibitors decreased pakchoi Cd concentrations by suppressing acidification-induced Cd availability and reshaping the soil microbial structure; the most effective nitrification inhibitor was DMPP. Ammonia oxidation generates the most protons during nitrification and is inhibited by nitrification inhibitors. Changes in environmental factors and predatory bacterial abundance caused by the nitrification inhibitors changed the soil microbial structure and increased the potential participants in plant Cd accumulation. In summary, our study identified DMPP as the most efficient nitrification inhibitor for mitigating crop Cd contamination and observed that the soil microbial structural changes caused by the nitrification inhibitors contributed to decreasing Cd concentration in pakchoi.


杜闻昕, 朱清扬, 景湘婷, 胡伟杰, 庄瑶, 蒋逸捷, 金崇伟
浙江大学植物抗逆高效全国重点实验室, 中国杭州市, 310058


Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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