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Ting-zhen Ming


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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A 2015 Vol.16 No.11 P.894-909


Transient thermal behavior of a microchannel heat sink with multiple impinging jets

Author(s):  Ting-zhen Ming, Yan Ding, Jin-le Gui, Yong-xin Tao

Affiliation(s):  1School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430070, China; more

Corresponding email(s):   tzming@whut.edu.cn

Key Words:  Microchannel heat sink with impinging jets, Heat transfer, Sinusoidal heat flux, Sinusoidal inlet velocity, Phase lag

Ting-zhen Ming, Yan Ding, Jin-le Gui, Yong-xin Tao. Transient thermal behavior of a microchannel heat sink with multiple impinging jets[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science A, 2015, 16(11): 894-909.

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%T Transient thermal behavior of a microchannel heat sink with multiple impinging jets
%A Ting-zhen Ming
%A Yan Ding
%A Jin-le Gui
%A Yong-xin Tao
%J Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A
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%P 894-909
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%I Zhejiang University Press & Springer
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A1 - Ting-zhen Ming
A1 - Yan Ding
A1 - Jin-le Gui
A1 - Yong-xin Tao
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We performed a transient numerical investigation on a microchannel heat sink with multiple impinging jets (MHSMIJ) to explore the effects on the fluid flow and heat transfer characteristics of the MHSMIJ of an unsteady impinging jet and heat flux imposed upon the substrate surface by using a computational fluid dynamics method. The heat fluxes being imposed upon the substrate surface and the inlet velocities of the jet were all set as sinusoidal functions with different amplitudes and periods with time. The effects of the amplitudes and periods of the functions on the substrate properties were analyzed. Cooling performance was evaluated by calculating the periodic average surface heat transfer coefficient, average temperature uniformity, and temperature variation of the target surfaces over a period. The results indicated that the surface heat transfer coefficient and average temperature of the cooled surface oscillated with the periodic heat fluxes, accompanied by obvious phase lags. The phase lag has a significant dependence on the periods, but little dependence on the amplitudes. The material properties of the substrate have complex influences on the transient behavior of the MHSMIJ. The periodic heat flux and periodic jet velocity significantly affected the transient thermal performance of the MHSMIJ, but had less effect on its overall performance. Further, transient heat flux and jet velocity caused non-uniform and transient temperature distributions, which will cause thermal fatigue phenomenon, and thereby have effect on the longevity of the MHSMIJ.

The authors analyzed numerically the transient behavior of the microchannel heat sink with impingement fluid jets considering both oscillating inlet velocity and heat flux through the substrate. In the opinion of this reviewer the topic is original as the large majority of the research reports consider the steady state cases. Moreover the numerical methodology was strictly respected and the results are interesting with detailed physical explanation.


目的:利用数值模拟方法分析动态变化的受热面热流密度和入口速度对多冲击射流微小通道(MHSMIJ)的传热性能和温度波动特征的 影响。
创新点:1. 提出MHSMIJ热行为数值模拟方法;2. 分析受热面热流密度的振幅和周期对MHSMIJ行为的影响;3. 分析冲击射流速度的振幅和周期对MHSMIJ动态热行为的影响;4. 分析材料热物性参数对MHSMIJ的时间滞后效应的影响。
方法:1. 采用周期性函数来描述冲击射流的速度入口和受热面的热流密度的波动;2. 利用数值模拟方法分析周期和振幅对MHSMIJ的动态热行为的影响。
结论:1. 受热面热流密度的波动周期对MHSMIJ行为的影响十分显著,MHSMIJ的时间滞后效应随着波动周期的增加而增加,其基底表面温度和表面传热系数也随之发生变化;2. 受热面热流密度的波动振幅对MHSMIJ的温度波动产生显著的影响;3. 冲击射流的入口速度的振幅对MHSMIJ的动态传热性能产生影响。


Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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