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Da-peng Tan


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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A 2020 Vol.21 No.5 P.401-405


A synchronous sampling-based direct current estimation method for self-sensing active magnetic bearings

Author(s):  Xiong-xin Hu, Fang Xu, Da-peng Tan

Affiliation(s):  College of Mechanical Engineering, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou 310014, China

Corresponding email(s):   tandapeng@zjut.edu.cn

Key Words:  Synchronous sampling, Direct current estimation, Self-sensing active magnetic bearing

Xiong-xin Hu, Fang Xu, Da-peng Tan. A synchronous sampling-based direct current estimation method for self-sensing active magnetic bearings[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science A, 2020, 21(5): 401-405.

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%A Fang Xu
%A Da-peng Tan
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%P 401-405
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%I Zhejiang University Press & Springer
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A1 - Fang Xu
A1 - Da-peng Tan
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The position estimator is a key module of self-sensing active magnetic bearings (AMBs). It can improve system dynamic performance and reduce the axial dimension. Generally, the estimation methods can be divided into two categories: state observer estimation and parameter estimation.


目的:磁轴承自传感是一个关联磁悬浮转子动态特性的机电磁多物理场耦合问题. 研究自传感磁轴承(AMBs)机电磁耦合机理与磁阻模型,对于其工作性能提升具有重要意义. 当前基于脉宽调制(PWM)开关功放的磁轴承自传感方法,可缩小轴承几何尺寸,提高电气效率和转子动态性能,但存在传感精度不高、路径过长、稳定性较低等问题. 针对上述问题,本文旨在提出一种基于PWM开关频率同步采样的离散电流估计(SS-DCE)方法,以缩短自传感路径,改善传感精度,以及提高磁轴承动态性能与工作稳定性.
方法: 1. 通过分析两个相邻离散电流的数学关系,建立转子位移解析表达式; 2. 基于SS-DCE方法,结合位置式双闭环控制技术,并借助物理传感器实现对AMBs自传感过程的关键参数测试和评估 验证.
结论:1. 磁轴承转子位移是一个关于电压/电流的非线性函数,而利用PWM开关功放纹波特性可使其线性化,进而缩短自传感物理路径,提高工作稳定性; 2. 自传感路径的长度由滤波器数量和算法复杂度决定,与相位滞后紧密相关; 3. 与模拟/数字滤波幅度解调法相比,基于SS-DCE的自传感方法的静态精度更高,稳定裕度更大,且具有较好的升速过程频率特性.

关键词:自传感磁轴承(AMBs); 回路磁阻; 同步采样(SS); 离散电流估计(DCE); 双闭环控制

Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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