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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE B 1998 Vol.-1 No.-1 P.


Transfer RNA-derived fragment tRF-23-Q99P9P9NDD promotes progression of gastric cancer by targeting ACADSB

Author(s):  Yu ZHANG, Xinliang GU, Yang LI, Xun LI, Yuejiao HUANG, Shaoqing JU

Affiliation(s):  Medical School of Nantong University, Nantong University, Nantong 226001, China; more

Corresponding email(s):   huangyuejiao20@126.com, jsq814@hotmail.com

Key Words:  tRNA-derived small RNA, gastric cancer, ACADSB, molecular mechanism, treatment, ferroptosis

Yu ZHANG, Xinliang GU, Yang LI, Xun LI, Yuejiao HUANG, Shaoqing JU. Transfer RNA-derived fragment tRF-23-Q99P9P9NDD promotes progression of gastric cancer by targeting ACADSB[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science B, 1998, -1(-1): .

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%T Transfer RNA-derived fragment tRF-23-Q99P9P9NDD promotes progression of gastric cancer by targeting ACADSB
%A Xinliang GU
%A Yang LI
%A Xun LI
%A Yuejiao HUANG
%A Shaoqing JU
%J Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE B
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%D 1998
%I Zhejiang University Press & Springer
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A1 - Xinliang GU
A1 - Yang LI
A1 - Xun LI
A1 - Yuejiao HUANG
A1 - Shaoqing JU
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gastric cancer (GC) is one of the most common gastrointestinal tumors. As a newly discovered type of non-coding RNAs, transfer RNA (tRNA)-derived small RNAs (tsRNAs) play a dual biological role in cancer. Our previous studies have demonstrated the potential of tRF-23-Q99P9P9NDD as a diagnostic and prognostic biomarker for GC. In this work, we confirmed for the first time that tRF-23-Q99P9P9NDD can promote the proliferation, migration and invasion of GC cells in vitro. The dual luciferase reporter gene assay confirmed that tRF-23-Q99P9P9ND could bind to the 3'UTR site of acyl-CoA dehydrogenase short/branched chain (ACADSB). In addition, ACADSB could rescue the effect of tRF-23-Q99P9P9NDD on GC cells. Next, we used Gene Ontology, the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes, and Gene Set Enrichment Analysis to find that downregulated ACADSB in GC may promote lipid accumulation by inhibiting fatty acid catabolism and ferroptosis. Finally, we verified the correlation between ACADSB and 12 ferroptosis genes at the transcriptional level, as well as the changes in reactive oxygen species levels by flow cytometry. In summary, this study proposes that tRF-23-Q99P9P9NDD may affect GC lipid metabolism and ferroptosis by targeting ACADSB, thereby promoting GC progression. It provides a theoretical basis for the diagnostic and prognostic monitoring value of GC and opens up new possibilities for treatment.

Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article

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