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Pengfei GAO


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Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering  2023 Vol.24 No.5 P.703-715


NEHASH: high-concurrency extendible hashing for non-volatile memory

Author(s):  Tao CAI, Pengfei GAO, Dejiao NIU, Yueming MA, Tianle LEI, Jianfei DAI

Affiliation(s):  School of Computer Science and Communication Engineering, Jiangsu University,Zhenjiang 212013,China

Corresponding email(s):   caitao@ujs.edu.cn, 1306943800@qq.com

Key Words:  Extendible hashing, Non-volatile memory (NVM), High concurrency

Tao CAI, Pengfei GAO, Dejiao NIU, Yueming MA, Tianle LEI, Jianfei DAI. NEHASH: high-concurrency extendible hashing for non-volatile memory[J]. Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering, 2023, 24(5): 703-715.

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%T NEHASH: high-concurrency extendible hashing for non-volatile memory
%A Tao CAI
%A Pengfei GAO
%A Dejiao NIU
%A Yueming MA
%A Tianle LEI
%A Jianfei DAI
%J Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering
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%I Zhejiang University Press & Springer
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A1 - Tao CAI
A1 - Pengfei GAO
A1 - Dejiao NIU
A1 - Yueming MA
A1 - Tianle LEI
A1 - Jianfei DAI
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extendible hashing is an effective way to manage increasingly large file system metadata, but it suffers from low concurrency and lack of optimization for non-volatile memory (NVM). In this paper, a multilevel hash directory based on lazy expansion is designed to improve the concurrency and efficiency of extendible hashing, and a hash bucket management algorithm based on groups is presented to improve the efficiency of hash key management by reducing the size of the hash bucket, thereby improving the performance of extendible hashing. Meanwhile, a hierarchical storage strategy of extendible hashing for NVM is given to take advantage of dynamic random access memory (DRAM) and NVM. Furthermore, on the basis of the device driver for Intel Optane DC Persistent Memory, the prototype of high-concurrency extendible hashing named NEHASH is implemented. Yahoo cloud serving benchmark (YCSB) is used to test and compare with CCEH, level hashing, and cuckoo hashing. The results show that NEHASH can improve read throughput by up to 16.5% and write throughput by 19.3%.


摘要:可扩展哈希是管理越来越庞大的文件系统元数据的有效方式,但其存在并发度较低和缺乏针对非易失内存(NVM)的优化等问题。本文设计了基于惰性扩展的多层哈希目录,以提高哈希目录管理的并发度和效率;设计了基于组的哈希桶管理算法,通过缩小哈希桶大小,提高哈希键管理的效率,从而提高动态可扩展哈希的性能;利用动态随机存取存储器(DRAM)和NVM各自的优势设计了面向NVM的分层存储策略;并在英特尔傲腾持久内存(Intel Optane DC Persistent Memory)及其驱动的基础上,实现了面向NVM高并发可扩展哈希的原型,称为NEHASH。使用雅虎云服务基准测试工具(YCSB)与缓存行意识的可扩展哈希(CCEH)、级别哈希(level hashing)、布谷鸟哈希(cuckoo hashing)等进行比较,结果显示NEHASH最高能提高16.5%的读吞吐率和19.3%的写吞吐率。


Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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