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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE B 1998 Vol.-1 No.-1 P.


The key role of IRF-1 in regulating liver disease: progress and outlook

Author(s):  Tao CHEN, Shipeng LI, Dewen DENG, Weiye ZHANG, Jianjun ZHANG, Zhongyang SHEN

Affiliation(s):  First Central Clinical School, Tianjin Medical University, Tianjin 300192, China; more

Corresponding email(s):   yzxzhangjianjun@163.com, zhongyangshen@vip.sina.com

Key Words:  IRF-1, hepatitis virus, liver fibrosis, HIRI, liver cancer, review

Tao CHEN, Shipeng LI, Dewen DENG, Weiye ZHANG, Jianjun ZHANG, Zhongyang SHEN. The key role of IRF-1 in regulating liver disease: progress and outlook[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science B, 1998, -1(-1): .

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%T The key role of IRF-1 in regulating liver disease: progress and outlook
%A Shipeng LI
%A Dewen DENG
%A Weiye ZHANG
%A Jianjun ZHANG
%A Zhongyang SHEN
%J Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE B
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A1 - Shipeng LI
A1 - Dewen DENG
A1 - Weiye ZHANG
A1 - Jianjun ZHANG
A1 - Zhongyang SHEN
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Interferon regulatory factor 1(IRF-1) is a member of the interferon regulatory factor family (IRFs). It is the first transcription factor to be identified that could bind to the interferon stimulus–response element (ISRE) on the target gene and displays crucial roles in the interferon-induced signals and pathways. IRF-1, as an important medium, has all of the advantages of full cell cycle regulation, cell death signaling transduction, and reinforcing immune surveillance, which are well documented. Current studies indicate that IRF-1 is of vital importance to the occurrence and evolution of multifarious liver diseases, including but not limited to inhibiting the replication of the hepatitis virus (A/B/C/E), alleviating the progression of liver fibrosis, and aggravating hepatic ischemia-reperfusion injury (HIRI). The tumor suppression of IRF-1 is related to the clinical characteristics of liver cancer patients, which makes it a potential indicator for predicting the prognosis and recurrence of liver cancer; additionally, the latest studies have revealed other effects of IRF-1 such as protection against alcoholic/non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (AFLD/NAFLD), cholangiocarcinoma suppression, and uncommon traits in other liver diseases that had previously received little attention. Intriguingly, several compounds and drugs have featured a protective function in specific liver disease models in which there is significant involvement of the IRF-1 signal. In this paper, we hope to propose a prospective research basis upon which to help decipher translational medicine applications of IRF-1 in liver disease treatment.

Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article

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