Current Issue: <JZUS-B>


Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE B (Biomedicine & Biotechnology)

ISSNs 1673-1581 (Print); 1862-1783 (Online); CN 33-1356/Q; started in 2005,Monthly.

JZUS-B is an international "Biomedicine & Biotechnology" reviewed-Journal indexed by SCI-E, MEDLINE, PMC, BA, BIOSIS Previews, JST, ZR, CA, SA, AJ, ZM, CABI, CSA, etc., and supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China. It mainly covers research in Biomedicine, Biochemistry and Biotechnology, etc.

Impact factor: 1.099 (2011), 1.108 (2012), 1.293 (2013), 1.278 (2014), 1.303 (2015), 1.676 (2016), 1.815 (2017), 1.879 (2018).

Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE B

ISSN 1673-1581(Print), 1862-1783(Online), Monthly

<<<                         CONTENTS                         >>>


Institutional experience of PTH evaluation on fine-needle washing after aspiration biopsy to locate hyperfunctioning parathyroid tissue

Massimo GIUSTI, Mara DOLCINO, Lara VERA, Carla GHIARA, Francesca MASSARO, Laura FAZZUOLI, Diego FERONE, Michele MUSSAP, Francesco MINUTO

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.B0820372 Downloaded: 3415 Clicked: 6672 Cited: 12 Commented: 0(p.323-330) <Full Text>

Adenovirus-mediated wild-type p53 gene transfer in combination with bronchial arterial infusion for treatment of advanced non-small-cell lung cancer, one year follow-up

Yong-song GUAN, Yuan LIU, Qing ZOU, Qing HE, Zi LA, Lin YANG, Ying HU

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.B0820248 Downloaded: 3518 Clicked: 7558 Cited: 14 Commented: 0(p.331-340) <Full Text>

Determinants of lexical access in pure-anomic recovery: a longitudinal study

Xiao ZHOU, Hui LIANG, Ming-wei XU, Ben-yan LUO

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.B0820310 Downloaded: 2990 Clicked: 5534 Cited: 1 Commented: 0(p.341-347) <Full Text>

Detection of plasmid-mediated IMP-1 metallo-β-lactamase and quinolone resistance determinants in an ertapenem-resistant Enterobacter cloacae isolate

Li-rong CHEN, Hong-wei ZHOU, Jia-chang CAI, Rong ZHANG, Gong-xiang CHEN

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.B0820302 Downloaded: 3230 Clicked: 6709 Cited: 10 Commented: 0(p.348-354) <Full Text>

Osteogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells promoted by overexpression of connective tissue growth factor

Jin-jing WANG, Feng YE, Li-jia CHENG, Yu-jun SHI, Ji BAO, Huai-qiang SUN, Wei WANG, Peng ZHANG, Hong BU

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.B0820252 Downloaded: 3645 Clicked: 7113 Cited: 16 Commented: 0(p.355-367) <Full Text>

Adiponectin levels are associated with the number and activity of circulating endothelial progenitor cells in patients with coronary artery disease

Zhi-qiang YING, Dan-dan ZHONG, Geng XU, Miao-yan CHEN, Qing-yu CHEN

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.B0820285 Downloaded: 3341 Clicked: 6052 Cited: 2 Commented: 0(p.368-374) <Full Text>

Value of video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery in the diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary tuberculoma: 53 cases analysis and review of literature

Kun-Yen HSU, Hwa-Chan LEE, Chien-Chih OU, Shi-ping LUH

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.B0820368 Downloaded: 3525 Clicked: 6569 Cited: 14 Commented: 0(p.375-379) <Full Text>

Astragalus mongholicus ameliorates renal fibrosis by modulating HGF and TGF-β in rats with unilateral ureteral obstruction

Chuan ZUO, Xi-sheng XIE, Hong-yu QIU, Yao DENG, Da ZHU, Jun-ming FAN

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.B0820230 Downloaded: 3252 Clicked: 6803 Cited: 17 Commented: 0(p.380-390) <Full Text>

Respiratory face mask: a novel and cost-effective device for use during the application of myocardial ischemia in rats

Yuan YUAN, Fei LI, Yue-min WANG, Rong-qing ZHANG, Li-ping WEI, Hai-chang WANG

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.B0820216 Downloaded: 3089 Clicked: 6138 Cited: 3 Commented: 0(p.391-394) <Full Text>

Case Report: Dental erosion and severe tooth decay related to soft drinks: a case report and literature review

Ran CHENG, Hui YANG, Mei-ying SHAO, Tao HU, Xue-dong ZHOU

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.B0820245 Downloaded: 4526 Clicked: 8433 Cited: 24 Commented: 0(p.395-399) <Full Text>

Case Report: Aortoduodenal fistula following aortic reconstruction of a pseudoaneurysm caused by stab wound 12 years ago

Jian-cang ZHOU, Qiu-ping XU, Lai-gen SHEN, Kong-han PAN, Yi-ping MOU

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.B0820231 Downloaded: 3155 Clicked: 6045 Cited: 1 Commented: 0(p.400-403) <Full Text>

Mini-Review: Cellular adaptation to hypoxia and p53 transcription regulation

Yang ZHAO, Xue-qun CHEN, Ji-zeng DU

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.B0820293 Downloaded: 3514 Clicked: 6365 Cited: 22 Commented: 0(p.404-410) <Full Text>

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