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Bio-Design and Manufacturing  2023 Vol.6 No.1 P.12-25


Three-dimensional kagome structures in a PCL/HA-based hydrogel scaffold to lead slow BMP-2 release for effective bone regeneration

Author(s):  Se-Hwan Lee, Kang-Gon Lee, Jaeyeon Lee, Yong Sang Cho, Min-Soo Ghim, Soojin Kim, Su-Jin Heo, Yongdoo Park, Young-Sam Cho & Bu-Kyu Lee

Affiliation(s):  McKay Orthopaedic Research Laboratory, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, 36th Street and Hamilton Walk, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA; more

Corresponding email(s):   ydpark67@korea.ac.kr, youngsamcho@wku.ac.kr, bukyu.lee@gmail.com

Key Words:  Kagome-structure scaffold, Retention capacity, Biomimetic hydrogel, Bone morphogenetic protein-2 (BMP-2)

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Se-Hwan Lee, Kang-Gon Lee, Jaeyeon Lee, Yong Sang Cho, Min-Soo Ghim, Soojin Kim, Su-Jin Heo, Yongdoo Park, Young-Sam Cho & Bu-Kyu Lee . Three-dimensional kagome structures in a PCL/HA-based hydrogel scaffold to lead slow BMP-2 release for effective bone regeneration[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science D, 2023, 6(1): 12-25.

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%A Se-Hwan Lee
%A Kang-Gon Lee
%A Jaeyeon Lee
%A Yong Sang Cho
%A Min-Soo Ghim
%A Soojin Kim
%A Su-Jin Heo
%A Yongdoo Park
%A Young-Sam Cho & Bu-Kyu Lee
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A1 - Se-Hwan Lee
A1 - Kang-Gon Lee
A1 - Jaeyeon Lee
A1 - Yong Sang Cho
A1 - Min-Soo Ghim
A1 - Soojin Kim
A1 - Su-Jin Heo
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Osteoconductive function is remarkably low in bone disease in the absence of bone tissue surrounding the grafting site, or if the bone tissue is in poor condition. Thus, an effective bone graft in terms of both osteoconductivity and osteoinductivity is required for clinical therapy. Recently, the three-dimensional (3D) kagome structure has been shown to be advantageous for bone tissue regeneration due to its mechanical properties. In this study, a polycaprolactone (PCL) kagome-structure scaffold containing a hyaluronic acid (HA)-based hydrogel was fabricated using a 3D printing technique. The retention capacity of the hydrogel in the scaffold was assessed in vivo with a rat calvaria subcutaneous model for 3 weeks, and the results were compared with those obtained with conventional 3D-printed PCL grid-structure scaffolds containing HA-based hydrogel and bulk-type HA-based hydrogel. The retained hydrogel in the kagome-structure scaffold was further evaluated by in vivo imaging system analysis. To further reinforce the osteoinductivity of the kagome-structure scaffold, a PCL kagome-structure scaffold with bone morphogenetic protein-2 (BMP-2) containing HA hydrogel was fabricated and implanted in a calvarial defect model of rabbits for 16 weeks. The bone regeneration characteristics were evaluated with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E), Massons trichrome staining, and micro-CT image analysis.

高丽大学Park等 | 聚己内酯/透明质酸水凝胶打印的三维kagome结构支架使BMP-2缓慢释放以实现有效的骨再生

本研究论文聚焦聚己内酯/透明质酸水凝胶打印的三维kagome结构支架使BMP-2缓慢释放以实现有效的骨再生。在骨病中,在移植部位周围没有骨组织或骨组织状况不佳的情况下,骨传导功能非常低。因此,临床治疗需要骨传导性和骨诱导性方面的有效骨移植。最近,三维(3D)kagome(截半六边形镶嵌)结构的机械性能被证明有利于骨组织再生。在这项研究中,研究人员使用3D打印技术制造了含有透明质酸(HA)基水凝胶的聚己内酯(PCL)kagome结构支架。用大鼠颅骨皮下模型在体内评估水凝胶在支架中的保留能力3周,并将结果与使用含有HA基水凝胶的常规3D打印PCL网格结构支架,还有块状HA基水凝胶获得的结果进行比较。通过体内成像系统分析进一步评估了kagome结构支架中残留的水凝胶。为了进一步增强kagome结构支架的骨诱导性,制备了含有HA水凝胶的骨形态发生蛋白-2(BMP-2)的PCL kagome结构支架,并将其植入兔的颅骨缺损模型中16周。通过H&E、Masson的三色染色和显微CT图像分析评估骨再生特征。

Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article

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